Being inspired by Democratic Values, more particularly the concept of Rule of Law and having full faith in Fundamental Human Rights with Dignity, the Committee for Legal Aid to Poor in short CLAP visualises a Society where Justice and Equity Prevails based on the principle of equality of opportunity and protection for all irrespective of sex, religion, caste, creed, colour and socio-economic status.

In order to accomplish its vision, the CLAP manages Legal Service Institute which strives to eliminate injustice in its manifold manifestation and promote justice by way of strategic legal intervention and through strengthening access to justice. The mission of the organisation is to render legal services in its various dimensions. The CLAP dedicates itself for promotion, enforcement and protection of human right with dignity in association with civil society organisations and governance systems. In its endeavour the CLAP uses Law, Legal Process and Legal System as a tool for empowerment of people and a means for accomplishment of desired goals. The mission statement of CLAP reflects its commitment towards accomplishment of Human Rights with Dignity, Democratic Development and Environmental Justice. The principle of Rule of Law is the fundamental premise within which the mission has been envisaged and rolled out.

Elimination of all forms of Discrimination, Exploitation and Injustice on Women, Children, People with Different Sexual Orientation, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, Minorities, Persons with Disability, People living below Poverty Line and exclusion of all those institutions that perpetuates Poverty or causes deprivation of entitlements. Improved opportunity for marginalised to overcome their situation is the sole aim in all actions.